Robert Clarke Associates
1200 Pearl Street, Suite 314
Boulder CO 80302
Art Institute of Chicago
The Art Institute of Chicago

About Robert Clarke

Robert Clarke is a leading international expert in the application of architectural glass technology to sustainable design. Drawing on Princeton Engineering and Stanford Business degrees, he has worked for more than three decades at the forefront of super insulating curtainwall, storefront and window engineering. Robert's research and recommendations empower novel designs involving high-percentage glass skins, net zero energy goals, integral PV, dynamic glazing, and HVAC innovation. This expertise often enables the removal of perimeter heating, and allows super insulating glass to be used in high-humidity and historic-renovation environments. Noise attenuation, UV sensitivity and all levels of LEED certification are addressed. The impact of glazing strategy is often analyzed within the framework of eQuest, DOE2, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy Plus and other energy models.

Robert initiated and oversaw the on-site remanufacture of over 13,000 insulating-glass units at the Empire State Building. Other complex projects include the National Gallery of Art, San Jose Convention Center, Art Institute of Chicago, and recently completed LEED Platinum Packard Foundation in Los Altos, California.

About Robert Clarke & Associates

Robert Clarke Associates has particular expertise in financial analysis, extending beyond simple payback associated with a given glazing strategy to encompass radiant comfort, increased productivity, daylighting, offset HVAC expenditures and predictive models assessing exposure to future energy costs.

The research and recommendations of Robert Clarke Associates encompass varied technologies including the full spectrum of low-emissivity coatings, suspended coated films, gas-filling, laminated-glass and fiberglass-framing. Robert's experience includes founding, board level and management roles with Alpen, Southwall Technologies, Aeroturbine, Vac-Tec Systems, Southwest Windpower, Hauzer Techno Coating, World Power Technologies, and Ensar.